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Current 6th Graders

2024 Farristown Middle School 

Summer Reading Project

Dear Farristown Middle School Parents/Guardians and Students:

We are looking forward to summer break, and we hope that reading will play a part in your summer fun and relaxation time.  At each of the Madison County middle schools, the staff and administration are working year round to help improve the literacy skills of each of our students.  Research suggests that summer reading not only sustains reading skills among students, but it enhances overall reading abilities.  The more students read, the stronger their vocabulary and reading comprehension becomes. We REALLY want to see the students succeed, and summer reading helps every single student!

We are requiring ALL students to read ONE book AND complete a book project. Examples of these can be found in the chart below. Along with the book project, we ask that students PASS at least 4 iReady Reading and 4 iReady Math lessons on their pathway by July 25th.  Students will not have access to their pathway on iReady after this date. Passing additional lessons will earn you bonus points in your ELA class at the beginning of the year. You can log your progress toward these lessons in the chart on the back of this page. 

Language Arts 6th, 7th, or 8th grade Reading Project Requirements:

  1. Choose ONE novel or non-fiction book (minimum 100 pages) 

  2. Book MUST NOT be a book read previously as a class in school

  3. Complete ONE of the following book projects:

  • Poster-(scene, timeline, etc.)
  • Book Review
  • PowerPoint/Google Slides Presentation
  • Video Presentation - (commercial, interview, scene, song)
  • Model
  • Write an alternate ending 

**Projects are due the 1st Monday that school is back in session

  1. Presentation:  Each student will complete a 5-10 minute presentation on their summer reading selection.  Presentations should include the following information:

Novel - (If you read a book that told a story)

  • Characters

  • Setting

  • Plot

  • Conflict

  • Theme

  • Recommendation (Would you recommend this book to a friend?)

Non-Fiction - (If you read a fact-based book)

  • Topic

  • Background

  • Interesting Facts

  • Purpose (Why is this book important?  What type of information does it provide?)

  • Overall concepts you learned from reading

  • Why did you choose this book?


**The book project, presentation and iReady lessons will count as an assessment grade in language arts class**


Where to check out novels/books:

  • Madison County Public Library

  • Book Mobile

  • The school has some available (FTMS)

  • Purchase books at a local store

Please fill out this form as you complete the iReady lessons. iReady log