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Sports Physical Form

Health Requirements


6th Grade Health Requirements

902 KAR 2:060, 702 KAR 1:160

For the protection of the physical well-being and safety of your child(ren), the Kentucky Department of Education has set up enrollment requirements for attending a public school The following requirements must be on file int eh student's education record.

6th Grade Physical:

Required for all students entering 6th grade repoerted on teh Kentucky Preventative Health Care Examination Form.

Sports Physical:

The KHSAA sports physical paperwork can be completed after the required Kentucky Preventative Health Care Exam. This is recommended if you think that you may want to try out or participate in interscholastic sports at the middle or high school level.  All sport physicals must be turned into the office for documention, filing and where coaches can get copies.

Immunization Uptate:

Must have a current immunization certificate on file. This must include the Tdap vaccine, 2 doese of Varicella (chicken Pox), 2 doses of Hepatitis A and Meningococcal vaccine for 6th grade entry.

In order to complete enrollment into middle school, the Kentucky Immunization Certificate and the Kentucky Preventative Health Care Exam must be on file at your child's school the first day of attendance.  Parents are urged to maintain copies of all medical documents.


Students need to have a current sports physical on file in the office before participating in any extracurricular activity. 

KHSAA Sports Physical Document - Leaving Madison County Website