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"Home of the Flyers"

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Family Resource Center

Farristown Middle School/Foley Middle School

Youth Service Center Director

Zac Wray 859.387-8615


Check out the Youth Service Center at the link below:

Youth Service Center Website Click Here

Use the new YSC Referral Form to let us know how we can help you.  You will also find other useful links/information on this site.

Available services and programming include:

Referrals to Health and Social Services

Vision Screening

Assistance with obtaining/ repairing eye glasses

Dental screenings

Medication assistance

Medical coverage

Family planning

Family Crisis and Mental Health Counseling

Anger management

Cover for professional mental health counseling

Resource library for parents

Career Exploration and Development

Babysitting Clinic

Summer camp counselor positions

Partner with Career Teacher

Substance Abuse Education and Counseling

School assemblies

Referrals for treatment

Wipe Out Challenge

Provide materials/speakers for teachers to use in class

Basic Needs

Referrals to community partners for assistance

Provide hygiene supplies, school supplies, and clothing

Holiday assistance: Thanksgiving/Christmas gifts

Educational Support

Homework Help

WASSI/ Berea College

6th grade SOAR Camp

Back to school picnics

8th grade preview of high school

Refer for tutoring

Guest speakers per year to support classroom learning

Mentoring from Berea College class

Health Fair

Parent Volunteer Training

Interest based afterschool programs

Self-defense classes


Phone: (859)387-8615


Mr. Zac Wray


Phone: (859)387-8615


Mrs. Mikayla