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"Home of the Flyers"

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students sitting in the bleachers waiting on rally day


Here at FTMS, we are all FLYERS! However, you are also part of a team! Achievers Believers Challengers Dreamers We’re all in this together!

Your team is like your family. You compete for BANNERS each nine weeks. Your whole team will win prizes if they have the best attendance, the best grades, or the least behavior issues! You can also win the SPIRIT BANNER, but that can be won at the rally OR for certain events like a ball game spirit night. You are part of a team! Make sure you are bringing your “A” game so you don’t let your team down!


Students are recognized for their efforts at rallies each nine weeks. Cardholders are recognized, but other accomplishments and achievements are highlighted at rallies as well. The base of the Renaissance Program is to recognize and reward students for all their accomplishments and successes! Remember: We want FTMS to be the best school around, so we want to strive for the best grades, great attendance, and no attitude or behavior issues!


Prizes are given to students during the rallies for various reasons. These will be explained for each rally. An example would be if there is a perfect attendance drawing, the names entered in that would be any student (cardholder or not) that had perfect attendance for that nine weeks. Teachers often enter students into a drawing if they score high on an open response quiz. That would be open to any student also. All cardholders are entered into drawings for prizes specific to their card category. Names are drawn and prizes handed out during the rally. Prizes given during the rallies can be anything from movie passes to computers. That all depends on fundraising and the emphasis of the rally. The prizes drawn for cardholders are more valuable as the card level increases. It is the goal of the Renaissance Program to give out as many prizes as possible each rally. What will you have the chance to win at the next rally?

Funding for Renaissance

The Renaissance Committee will try to purchase as many prizes as possible – but that really depends on your fundraising, so make sure you are trying your best to sell Fundraiser items! Renaissance also makes money from t-shirt sales, so any Renaissance shirt you purchase helps us out with the program. We will arrange other activities for funding as well. Fundraiser!!! Please help us out with the fundraiser. You can win prizes just for selling items! If you are a top seller or you sell 25 items, you will get to go to Main Event on a field trip! All the fundraising money is used to help FTMS students have a great year! FUNDRAISER STARTS SOON!!! Let’s make 2024-2025 the very best school year yet!!

WE RISE…. …by setting goals. …by lifting others. …by working together. …by daring to aim high.