Farristown Middle School
Parents can support their children's learning by....
● Monitoring and encouraging good attendance
● Providing opportunities and supplies for completion of homework and assignments
● Promoting positive use of extracurricular time and monitoring the amount and quality of television viewing
● Volunteering in their child's classroom
● Participating actively in decisions relating to their child's education
● Supporting school staff in maintaining proper discipline and helping to enforce school and classroom rules
● Helping children develop positive attitudes about school and education
● Communicating with school staff about school activities
● Communicating with teachers on a regular basis, especially by attending scheduled parent meetings
● Reading with students and encouraging them to read regularly and ask questions
● Encouraging respect of school personnel
● Talking with your child daily about his/her homework, upcoming tests and experiences at school
Teachers, Staff and Administrators can support student learning and parent involvement by...
● Maintaining a positive and supportive approach with parents
● Providing high quality instruction in a positive and non-threatening environment
● Meeting the individual learning needs of students
● Promoting self-sufficiency in students
● Providing varied learning opportunities
● Believing that all children can learn
● Encouraging and welcoming parents into their classrooms/buildings
● Displaying and modeling appropriate behavior
● Striving to keep parents informed of school activities, especially parent-teacher conferences
● Notifying parents promptly of incomplete student work and/or inappropriate behavior
● Encouraging regular contact and communication with parents
● Providing necessary assistance with homework assignments